When to seek occupational therapy support:​
Fine Motor
Immature crayon/marker/pencil grasp
No hand preference tendencies emerging by age 4
Difficulty drawing, colouring, copying or cutting (as per expected development)
Avoids fine motor activities
Hand tremor
Difficulty with hand action songs
Difficulty printing name by age 5
Easily breaks toys
Visual Motor
Difficulty colouring within the lines
Difficulty cutting along lines, around simple shapes
Unable to copy simple lines or shapes
Difficulty tracing over lines and shapes
Visual Perceptual
Difficulty naming or matching colours, shapes, sizes, letters
Difficulty in completing age-appropriate puzzles
Self-help skills
Overly fussy eater, consistently avoids certain texture
Does not assist with or learn to dress/undress
Does not learn to drink from a cup
Avoids using a spoon
Mouths things excessively after 15 months
Avoids activities due to messiness (sand, glue, putty, paint)
Seems overly sensitive to being touched
Dislikes certain types of clothing, impacting participation in activities
Overly sensitive to noises or lights
Has trouble keeping hands to self
Is often unaware of being bumped or hurt
Has trouble sitting in circle, standing in line or interacting in close games
Lacks body awareness (drawing a person, naming body parts, etc.)
Avoids activities that challenge balance
Seeks out movement constantly (spin, bounce, jump, run)
Stumbles or falls frequently
Unable to sit still
Poor coordination in all activities; movements are sloppy, or weak, awkward, stiff
Avoids playground equipment
Avoids gross motor games
Easily fatigued
Poor use of one side of body vs. the other
Distractible, restless, inattentive
Poor organization, trouble starting and continuing an activity without an adult
Short attention, doesn’t finish what is started
Does not tolerate any change in activities/routines